Job Fair

Job Fair – Jobicon in Krakow

Present at the JOBICON Labor Festival !!! J (06.03.2018)

Meet us at JOBICON in Krakow. We will bring a handful of warm recruitment to positions and practices. WELCOME !!!

Download the free ticket:


Job Fair AGH in Krakow

AGH UST Job Fair (08/03/2018)

Or maybe you will meet your first employer ???

As every year for several years, we have the pleasure to invite all interested ZRE Katowice to the AGH labor fairs in Krakow. We invite you to our stand, where there will be no answers to the questions that torment you (concerning ZRE, of course) and you will be able to talk to the lucky ones who have the pleasure of working with us.

Maybe we are waiting for you !! ??? !!


Talent Days graduate at the MCK in Katowice

ZREkrutacja station will be at Absolvent Talent Days in Katowice (22/03/2018)

You will discover opportunities for the development of work and apprenticeship at our stand – we invite you and meet with us !!!

Download the free ticket:


We invite you to our Facebook page:



And this was the fall of 2017! …………


We would like to inform you that November 8, 2017 was the last edition of the Job Fair this year in which ZRE Katowice S.A had the pleasure to participate. In the autumn edition, we managed to visit the Job Fair organized by, Cracow University of Technology, Silesian University of Technology, AGH Krakow. Our stand, like every year, was very popular among students and graduates. We have already managed to establish cooperation with newcomers and we are holding talks with the next candidates. We would like to thank the organizers for the contribution put into the preparation of this project and the participants to thank for the arrival and active participation in the events. Feel free to contact all interested people and see you in the spring.