ZRE Katowice S.A.
ul. Gen. Jankego 13
40-615 KatowiceOffice:+48 32 78 98 212 +48 32 78 98 213
Company information
Type of organization: Public Limited Company
Registered in the National Court Register:
Regional Court in Katowice, Nr KRS: 0000076761
Tax Identification Number: NIP 634-019-75-88
REGON number: 271570894
BDO 000018469
Share capital: 30.000.000,00 PLN
Paid-up capital: 30.000.000,00 PLN
Bank accounts:
PL74 1140 1078 0000 3117 1000 1009 mBank SA; SWIFT: BREXPLPW
PL83 1540 1128 2112 7004 3846 0017 BOŚ SA; SWIFT: EBOSPLPW
PL76 1240 4272 1978 0010 5285 2191 Pekao SA; SWIFT: PKOPPLPW