Pipelines Project
Full name: Elaboration of innovative production technology of considerably improved thick-walled elbows for steam pipelines
Project No. POIG.01.04.00-24-040/12
Purpose of the project
Elaboration and implementation of an innovative technology of plastic shaping of thick-walled elbows of steam pipelines.
Term of realization: 01.01.2013 – 31.06.2015
Project value: 10 954 597 PLN
Participation of European Union: 4 405 103 PLN
Project co-funded by European Union from European Regional Development Fund
Partner: Politechnika Śląska
The object of the project will be the technology of plastic shaping of thick-walled elbows made of martensitic , high-alloy and low-alloy steel, for construction of boilers for supercritical parameters.
The effect of the project will be the calculation method of parameters of process of manufacturing of thick-walled smooth elbows and determining of useful properties of elbows made of martensitic steel, i.e. their geometrical and criterial mechanical features.